As in the first article, I'll be using the Japanese word "走る" (hashiru, to run) and the English word "run" as a sample definition. I'll excerpt the definitions if they are long, with links to the full online versions, if available. I'll also be using the abbreviations E-J and J-E for "English to Japanese" and "Japanese to English".
Japanese Name: プログレッシブ英和・和英辞典Online: Kotobank J-E, Kotobank E-J
iOS: Progressive
Android: Progressive, Progressive J-E Only, Progressive E-J Only
I1 〔人・動物などが〕run
The children came running.階段を走って上がった[下りた]
They ran up [down] the stairs.通りを走って渡ってはいけない
Don't run across the street.彼は走るのがクラスで一番速い
He is the fastest runner in his class.駅まで走って5分です
It's a five-minute run to the station.2 〔乗物などが〕
This car still runs all right.ものすごいスピードで車が何台も走って行った
Many cars shot [whizzed] past us.この船は1時間30ノットで走る
This boat does 30 knots an hour.列車は東京・大阪間を3時間で走る
The train covers the distance between Tokyo and Osaka in three hours.II1 〔速く動く〕
I felt a pain run [shoot] through my back.夜空に稲妻が走った
Lightning flashed through the night sky.2 〔逃亡する〕
We chased the retreating enemy.彼は外国に走ったらしい
He seems to have fled abroad.3 〔逃げてある側につく〕
She deserted her husband and went to live with her lover.敵方に走った
He (betrayed his own side and) joined the enemy.4 〔ある方向に通じる〕
A mountain range lies [stretches] north and south across the island.その道は東西に走っている
The street runs east and west.5 〔ある方向に傾く〕
become emotional極端に走る
go to extremes悪事に走った
He took to crime.過激派の学生運動に走った
He got involved in the radical student movement.
run[動](ran /ræn/, run, run・ning)(自)1 [I([副])]走る, 駆ける;急いで行く, 突進する, 駆けつける;(近くへ)ちょっと行く[たずねる];急いで旅行する((down/to, up, down, in ...));(スポーツとして)走る, ランニングする;(競走に)参加[出場]する((in ...))I [空間移動]
run upstairs
2階へ駆け上がるrun down the street
通りを走る(▼「下り坂」の意ではない)run for the doctor
走って医者を呼びに行くrun up to Tokyo
東京へ急ぎの旅をする(▼地方へ行く場合はrun down to ...)She ran to me.
彼女は私のところまで走って来たThe car ran down the hill.
Progressive is a good, mid-sized dictionary, although I would rate the mid-sized Kenkyuusha dictionary higher among mid-sized dictionaries, as the latter seems to have more words I've looked for. Like Genius, explanations of nuances are in Japanese, so this is best used by intermediate learners or higher. This is the default J-E/E-J dictionary on the Kindle Paperwhite, and was included on both Macs and iPhones, but has since been replaced by Wisdom there. One thing I should note, is that Progressive tends to rely on British English, which is fine in most situations, but left me puzzled a few times. A lot of Japanese people learning English use either Progressive or Genius, and of those two Progressive is likely the easier one to grasp for Japanese learners. Progressive is often bundled with the Daijisen monolingual dictionary, which I will cover in a later article.Kenkyuusha Chuujiten
Japanese Name: 研究社 新英和・和英中辞典Full English Name: Kenkyuusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary
Online: Weblio
iOS: Kenkyuusha
Android: Kenkyuusha, Kenkyuusha J-E Only, Kenkyuusha Version 2, Kenkyuusha Version 2, Kenkyuusha E-J Only
はしる 走る
1 〈人・動物が〉 run; rush; dash; race
・矢のように走る run like a shot from a gun
・走って帰る run back; come running back; come back at a run
・走り出す begin to run; start running; 〈歩いていて〉 break [burst] into a run
・走り出る[込む] run out [in]
・走り回る run about
・走り去る run away [off]
・走り過ぎる run by [past]
・走り抜ける run through 《a place》
・走り寄る run up to sb.
駅まで走って 5 分だ. It is five minutes' run to the station.
2 〈車などが〉 run
新幹線が東京大阪間を走っている. Shinkansen runs from Tokyo to Osaka.
これは古い車だがまだ走る. This car is old, but it's still in running condition.
この船は 20 ノットの速力で走っている. This ship is doing [making] twenty knots.
3 〈道・山脈が〉
山脈が国を南北に走っている. The mountains extend [range] from north to south through the country.
道は北に真っ直ぐに走っている. The road runs straight to the north.
4 〈寝返る〉
・(寝返って)敵側に走る defect [go over] to the enemy
彼は寝返って敵方に走った. He betrayed us and joined the enemy (camp).
5 〈比喩的〉
・痛みが胸に走る a pain runs through one's chest
・壁に亀裂が走っている the wall is cracked
・感情に走る be carried away by one's emotions
・極端に走る go to extremes
・左翼に走る turn leftist; become a communist.
run /rʌ́n/→__→__More...
―[動] (ran /rǽn/; run; run・ning)→__ (自)
1a 〈人・動物が〉走る,駆ける; 急いで行く.→__
b 〔+副(句)〕走っていく,駆けていく.→__
c 〔+副+to+(代)名〕〔…へ〕ちょっと行く[訪ねる]; 急ぎの旅行をする 〈up,down〉.→__
d 〔+at+(代)名〕〔…を〕急に襲う.→__
2 〔動 (+副) (+from+(代)名)〕〈人・動物が〉〔…から〕逃げる,逃亡する,逃走する 〈away,off〉.→__
3a 〈車・列車・船などが〉走る,進行する; 〈帆船が〉走る,帆走する.→__
b (定期的に)運行する,通う.→__
c 〔+between+(代)名〕〔…と…との間を〕運行する.→__
4a 競走に加わる[出る]; ランニングをする.→__
b [順位を表わす副詞を伴って] 走って(…着に)なる.→__
c 〔+前+(代)名〕《米》〔議員などに〕立候補する 〔for〕; 〔選挙で〕立候補する 〔in〕; 〔…に対立して〕立候補する 〔against〕 (《英》 stand).→__
5a 〈機械などが〉運転する,動く.→__
b するする動く,滑る; 〈舌が〉よく動く.→__
c 〈ボールが〉転がる.
d 〈生活・計画などが〉うまく営まれる,うまくいく.→__
6 〔+前+(代)名〕
a 〈思い・記憶などが〉〔…に〕浮かぶ,去来する 〔in,into,through〕; 〔…に〕向かう 〔to〕.→__
b 〈痛みなどが〉〔…を〕さっと走る 〔up,down〕.→__
c 〈目が〉〔…を〕さっと走る; ざっと目を通す 〔over,through〕.→__
7 〈魚が〉川などをさかのぼる.→__
8 〔+前+(代)名〕〈植物が〉〔地上などを〕はう,はびこる 〔over,up〕.→__
1a 〈液体・砂などが〉流れる; 漏れる,こぼれる; 〈鼻が〉鼻水を出す; 〈砂時計の砂が〉こぼれる.→__
b 〔+副(句)〕〈液体などが〉(場所に)流れ出る[落ちる].→__
c 〔+with+(代)名〕〈場所に〉〔液体などが〕流れる.→__
d 〔+補〕〈液体が〉〈…の状態で〉流れる.→__
2a 〈バター・ろうそくなどが〉溶けて流れる.→__
b 〈染色などが〉しみ出る; 〈インクなどが〉にじむ.→__
The Kenkyuusha mid-sized version (AKA 中辞典, chuujiten) is the smaller version of the full-sized Kenkyuusha (AKA 大辞典, daijiten), and has a lot in common with it's bigger brother. It's a good dictionary for those who don't want to pay for the larger version, yet want a quality J-E dictionary. Surprisingly, the example sentences sometimes differ from the full-sized version, and I have found words this one has which are missing in the full-sized version, so I keep both on my phone to reference.
The print version weighs almost 10 pounds/5 kg!
Japanese Name: 研究社 新英和・和英大辞典Full English Name: Kenkyuusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary
iOS: Kenkyuusha J-E Only, Kenkyuusha E-J Only
Android: Kenkyuusha E-J Only
1 〔人や動物が疾走する〕 run; rush; dash; dart.
▲走って帰る run back; come running back; come back at a run
・走って道路を渡る dash across the road
・(野球で)走りながら球をさばく field the ball on the run
・100 メートルを 10 秒で走る do [run] the 100 meters in 10 seconds
・風のように走る fly like the wind
・全速力で走る race at full speed.
▲家からここまでずっと走ってきた. I have run all the way from home.
・駅まで走って 5 分だ. It is five minutes' run to the station.
・私は毎日健康のために走っています. I run everyday to keep fit.
・廊下を走るな. Don't run in the corridors.
・季節が走るように過ぎていく. The seasons fly by.
2 〔乗り物が進む〕 drive; run; travel; move; ride; 〔船が〕 sail; (蒸気で) steam; (するすると) glide on; (早く) shoot. [⇒はしらせる 2]
▲走っている車から飛び下りる jump off a moving car
・走る凶器 ⇒きょうき1.
▲車が道路の左側を走る. Cars drive on the left.
・新幹線は 3 時間でその距離を走った. The Shinkansen covered the distance in three hours.
・この船は時速 20 ノットの速力で走っている. This ship is ┌making [doing] twenty knots an hour.
・この町には鉄道が走っていない. There is no railway in this town.
・この道路は大型車は走れません. No large vehicles allowed on this road.
3 【電算】 〔プログラムが動作する〕 run 《on Unix》.
4 〔急行する〕 speed; race; rush; dash; fly.
▲現場へ走る rush to the scene
・トイレに走る hustle to the lavatory
・金策に走る rush to borrow funds
・すぐさま連絡に走る race to make contact without delay
・記者が走る reporters chase 《(after) a story》.
5 〔ものごとを実行する; どんどん進める; 先走る〕 ⇒はしりすぎる 2.
▲ 最上策が見つからない今, 次善の策でも, とにかく走りながら考えよう. At this point, having not yet discovered the best policy, let's move ahead with the next best while we continue to think.
・〔朗読で〕 走らない, 走らない, もっとゆっくり読んで. Read more slowly, please―don't rush so.
6 〔好ましくない方向に傾く〕 go [take] 《to the bad》; get involved 《in unsavory activities》.
▲非行に走る become delinquent; take to delinquency
・悪事に走る get involved in crime
・私利私欲に走る get wrapped up in self-interest
・保身に走る take to defending oneself above all.
▲感情に走ってはいけない. Don't be carried away by your ┌emotions [feelings].
・若者はとかく極端に走るきらいがある. Young people are apt to go to extremes.
7 〔出奔する. 逃亡する〕 run away; flee; take to one's heels; show one's heels; 〔敗走する〕 flee; retreat.
▲女の元へ走る run away to one's woman
・敵側へ走る flee to the enemy ranks
・西国へ走る 〔敗れて〕 retreat to the west.
8 〔一瞬現れる〕 flash; streak.
▲稲妻が走る lightning flashes
・背中に痛みが走る pain flares in one's back
・顔に不安の影が走る uneasiness flits across sb's face.
9 〔なめらかに動く〕 run [go] (smoothly).
▲筆が走る a brush glides 《over a sheet of paper》.
▲今日は球が走っているからやりそうですよ. His pitches are ┌humming [alive] today, so it looks like he'll have a good game.
10 〔道などが伸びる〕 run (through); go [stretch] (on).
▲町の中央を国道が走る the highway runs through the middle of town
・山脈が南北に走る the mountain range stretches north and south
・ひびが走る there is a crack (running through sth).
▲道は真北に走っている. The road ┌tends to the due north [bears due north].
run1 /r_n/→__(Abridged)
__v. (ran /r__n/; run; run・ning)
1a 走る, 駆ける.
・run fast まっしぐらに走る[一目散に逃げる].
・run down 駆け下りる.
・run on 走り続ける.
・run out 走って外へ出る.
・run a mile [a distance] 1 マイル[ある距離を] 走る.
・He who runs may read. ⇒read1 vi. 1 a.
b 逃亡[逃走]する, 逃げる, 逐電する.
・run for one's life 一生懸命[命からがら]逃げる.
・After the third volley the enemy ran. 3 回目の斉射の後敵は逃げた.
c 〈馬が〉疾駆[疾走]する.
2a 急ぐ, 駆けつける; 突進する.
・run [come running] to a person's aid 人の救援に駆けつける.
・run for [to catch] a bus バスに乗ろうとして急ぐ.
b 急いで[短期間]旅行する; ちょっと行く[訪ねる], (気軽に)立ち寄る.
・run up to London 急いでロンドンへ行く.
・run over to borrow money 金を借りに気軽にやってくる.
・I'll run over to my uncle's. おじさんの所へちょっと行ってこよう.
c (困って)援助・慰めを求めて〔…へ〕出かけて行く 〔to〕.
・run to the police.
3a 競走に加わる, レースに出る.
・I used to run for my school [when I was at school]. 学校代表で[学校にいたころは]よく短[長]距離走に出たものだ.
・This horse ran in the Derby. この馬はダービー競馬に出た.
b 走って…着になる.
・His horse ran second. 彼の馬は 2 着だった.
c 《米》 〔選挙などに〕立候補する (《英》 stand) 〔for〕.
・run for Congress [Mayor, Governor, election] 国会議員[市長, 知事, 選挙]に立候補する.
・run for President [the Presidency] 大統領に立候補する.
4a 〈車・船などが〉進む, 走る, (帆をかけて)走る, (船尾からの風を受けて)帆走する.
・The car ran fast.
・Trains run on rails. 列車はレールを走る.
This is it. Called the "Green Goddess" or simply "GG" by translators due to it's green cover, this is the most comprehensive J-E & E-J dictionary around. As such, it's also the most expensive, but if you plan on being a translator, or smaller dictionaries won't cut it for you anymore, I highly recommend it. Like the others, it lacks information on what type of word it is, and the nuances are in Japanese, so beginners should stick to EDICT or a paper dictionary, but if you need a J-E or E-J dictionary, this is the best you can get.Readers
Japanese Names: 研究社 リーダーズ英和辞典, 研究社 リーダーズ・プラスiOS: Readers 3rd ed., Readers 3rd ed. version 2 , Readers 2nd ed., Readers 2nd ed. version 2
Android: Too many to list
run /r_n/→__→__(Abridged)
__v (ran /r__n/; run; r_n・ning)
1a 走る, 駆ける; 急ぐ, 突進する; 《支援・救援のため[を求めて]》駆けつける, たよる〈to〉; ちょっと行ってくる, ひとっ走りする〈up [down, over] to〉; 【フット】 〈チームが〉《パスプレーよりも》ランニングプレーを使う; (楽句を)すばやく歌う[演奏する].
・run three miles 3 マイル走る.
・run across the street 通りを走って横切る.
・We ran to her aid [to help her]. 支援に駆けつけた.
・run on a bank 《取り付けに》銀行へ殺到する.
b 〈車・馬・船など〉走る, 進む; 【空】 滑走する; 【海】 船尾からの風をうけて帆走する; 〈乗物などが〉往復する, 通う.
・The traffic runs day and night. 交通の便は昼夜ある.
c 〈魚が〉群をなして移動する, 《産卵のため》川をさかのぼる.
d 〈心象・記憶など〉浮かぶ, 去来する; 〈感覚など〉伝わる; 〈視線が〉さっと注がれる; 絶え間なく動く.
・The idea kept running through [in] my head. その考えが頭に絶えず浮かんでいた.
・A cold shiver ran down my spine. 背筋にぞっとする寒気を感じた.
2 逃亡[逃走]する (flee); 《口》 立ち去る, 帰る.
・Seeing me, he ran off. わたしを見るなり逃げ出した.
・run for one's life [for dear life] 命からがら逃げる.
・I've got to run. もう帰らなければなりません.
3a 競走に加わる[出る]; 《試合・競走で》 …等になる.
・His horse ran in the Derby. ダービーに出走した.
・He ran third. レースで 3 着となった.
b 立候補する〈as a Democrat〉.
・run for Parliament [for (the) Presidency, for President] 国会議員[大統領]に立候補する (cf. →STAND for).
4a 〈機械など〉動く, 作動する; 運転する; ころがる, 回転する; 《穴の中などを》するすると動く.
・The engine doesn't run properly. エンジンがちゃんと動かない.
・The factory has ceased running. 工場は操業を停止した.
b 【電算】 〈ソフトウェアが〉(コンピューター上で)走る〈on〉.
・These programs run on UNIX.
(Points me back to the "run" definition linked above, as well as many unrelated ones with the word "hashiru" buried somewhere within them)
Unlike other dictionaries listed here, Readers is only an E-J dictionary, although it can be made to work as a J-E dictionary in the same way that EDICT can. In other words, very badly.It's not bad as an E-J dictionary, but there are better ones out there. It does come bundled with a lot of electronic dictionaries, but I would skip this one unless there are no other options.
Japanese Name: ウィズダム英和・和英辞典iOS: Wisdom
Android: Wisdom, Wisdom Version 2
Because this is the newest of the J-E dictionaries, I wasn't able to find an online version, but fellow staff writer Jade graciously took screenshots of the Mac version. It's pretty comparable to Progressive or the mid-sized Kenkyuusha. Progressive used to be included in Macs, but has since been replaced by Wisdom.Summary
Best Dictionary for Beginners: EDICT/JMDICT
This is really the best online option you have as a beginner, but there are better ones out there once you get past that stage.
Best Dictionary for Phrases: Eijiro
Eijiro is best when searching for English phrases, things which would be hard to find in a regular dictionary.
Best Mid-sized Dictionary: The mid-sized Kenkyuusha, Progressive, or Wisdom
There are a lot of good mid-sized dictionaries out there, and any one of these should be fine for those looking for a mid-sized dictionary.
Best Concise Dictionary: Daily Concise E-J & J-E
You can't go wrong with this if you are looking for a concise dictionary.
Best Large Dictionary: Kenkyuusha
The most comprehensive J-E dictionary around. It's more expensive then the other options, but if you need the best J-E dictionary around, there is no competition.
These are my recommendations for the best J-E & E-J dictionaries out there. The dictionary one uses really depends on the type of task it is used for, as well as the learner's preferences, so this summary is divided by category.
With this I've covered most of the major J-E & E-J dictionaries you are likely to come across.
A lot of them are made for Japanese people learning English, and so don't include things like verb types, etc. For this reason those should be supplemented with either EDICT or a monolingual dictionary, depending on the learner's Japanese level.
Dictionary Article Series List:
Part 1: J-E & E-J dictionariesPart 2: J-E & E-J dictionaries Cont.
Part 3: Monolingual Dictionaries
Part 4: Misc. Dictionaries
Part 5: Monolingual Dictionary Symbol Guide
Next time: Monolingual dictionaries.
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