Japanese Christmas Carols: Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Really to sing some more? Today we're going over サンタが町にやってくる (Santa ga machi ni yattekuru) or the Japanese version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. This is the second post in an article series covering Christmas carols, and it's a very easy one! The verses are all really short, and written in easy to understand Japanese, making it perfect for beginners. If you felt like the Christmas carols in general were too much to handle, try this one out! Since it's easier to learn a song when there is audio, I've embedded a nice choral version of the song to sing along with below:


さあ あなたから メリークリスマス
私から メリークリスマス
Santa Claus is coming to town

ねぇ 聞こえて 来るでしょ
鈴の音が すぐそこに
Santa Claus is coming to town

待ちきれないで お休みした子に
きっと素晴らしい プレゼント持って

さぁ あなたから メリークリスマス
私から メリークリスマス
Santa Claus is coming to town


saa   anata kara   merii kurisumasu
watashi kara   merii kurisumasu 
Santa Claus is coming to town

nee   kikoete kuru deshou
suzu no ne ga   sugu soko ni
Santa Claus is coming to town

machikirenai de   oyasumi shita ko ni
kitto subarashii puresento o motte

saa   anata kara  
merii kurisumasu

watashi kara   merii kurisumasu
Santa Claus is coming to town

Breaking it Down 

さあ あなたから メリークリスマス
saa   anata kara   merii kurisumasu
Hey, merry Christmas from you !

さあ(saa) = hey, hmm
あなた(anata) = you
から (kara) = from
メリークリスマス(merii kurisumasu) = merry Christmas

私から メリークリスマス
watashi kara   merii kurisumasu
Merry Christmas from me!

 私(watashi) = I, me

ねぇ 聞こえて 来るでしょう
nee   kikoete kuru deshou 
Hey, you can hear it right?

ねぇ(nee)  = hey
聞こえる(kikoeru) = to hear
来る(kuru) = to come
でしょう(deshou) = right?

鈴の音が すぐそこに
suzu no ne ga   sugu soko ni
The sounds of bells will soon be here

鈴(suzu) = small bell
音(ne, oto) = sound
すぐそこ(sugusoko) = nearby

待ちきれないで お休みした子に
machikirenai de   oyasumi shita ko ni  
To all the impatient sleeping children

待ちきれな(machikirenai) = can't wait
お休み(oyasumi) = rest, sleep
子(ko) = child

きっと素晴らしい プレゼント持って
kitto subarashii puresento o motte
Santa surely has wonderful presents for them!

きっと(kitto) = surely
素晴らしい(subarashii) = wonderful
プレゼント(puresento) = present
持つ(motsu) =  hold, bring

That's it! Pretty short huh? So now you know another Japanese Christmas carol to add to your repertoire. As with the first one, if you have any questions or thoughts you would like to share, leave a comment below! 

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