Meet Jemma

Hi, I’m Jemma, the eldest but by no means most mature staff member here at gaiwa.  I am self-taught and am currently taking my first tentative steps into advanced level study after what felt like a very long stay at intermediate.

My interest in Japanese probably goes back as far as 6th form college, but while I'd dabbled with the language a few times, and was privately tutored by a Japanese lady through part of Japanese for Busy People, I didn’t begin to take my studies seriously until the autumn of 2011.

After graduation, I spent a year teaching English at a Nova school in Shinyurigaoka, kanagawa. At the time, I lived in the town of Ikuta, which boasts being the setting of the anime series ‘Welcome to the NHK’.

Although very much a beginner in Japanese, I quickly picked up survival phrases and vocabulary while in Japan, and learnt to read important signs so I could navigate through my everyday life. Thanks to a chart on the back of the toilet door, and my roommate teaching me mnemonics, I was also able to read kana by the time I returned to England. Unfortunately, my full time work schedule left little time to study the language in a more deliberate way. My experience in Japan did however, spark a life-long love affair with teaching and the mechanics of language acquisition.

My New Years resolution in 2012 was to become fluent in Japanese by 2013. An impossible aim, I now realize, but this forced me, once and for all, to really put in some effort. It was then that I met my language exchange partner, Miyo, who patiently supported me through the remainder of the Japanese for Busy People course and has continued to support my progress ever since.

In 2013, Miyo and I decided to set up a Japanese conversation group for learners and native speakers living in and around Newcastle.  We try to meet up regularly and just hang out in Japanese. I have met some amazing and inspiring people through this group. Through a combination of the the support from the community at Gaiwa, and from my offline friends, I know I have made more progress in Japanese than I ever could have achieved alone!

So as I stand at the threshold of advanced level study, I'm very much aware that there's a while to go yet before I reach my Japanese goals, but I feel my Japanese is improving faster than ever.  I am delighted to be able to share this journey with everyone at Gaiwa, and to celebrate reaching our own personal milestones together!